Home schooling, 1987—1992   التعليم المنزلي، ١٩٨٧-١٩٩٢   [59 x 86 cm]

Source of image: Design by Shaymaa Abu-Hasanain [Gaza], Gaza, Palestine
Embroidery: Khawala Dahrouj [Bir Seb’a] Gaza, Palestine

This panel shows school children being taught at home in Gaza after the Israeli occupation forces had cut electricity supplies and closed schools in response to the first Palestinian Intifada [uprising]. The Intifada, which began in 1987, was a protest against Israeli “beatings, shootings, killings, house demolitions, uprooting of trees, deportations, extended imprisonments, and detentions without trial”. It involved civil disobedience consisting of general strikes, boycotts, of Israeli institutions, an economic boycott and widespread throwing of stones and Molotov cocktails at the Israeli army.

Era: Sumud - Steadfastness (1948 onwards)

Further reading