Pal. Liberation Organisation, 1964-   تأسيس منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية ١٩٦٤   [59 x 75 cm]

Source of image: PHT design
Embroidery: Nawal Ibrahim Al-Ahmad [Tabariyeh], Ain al-Hilweh, Lebanon

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was established in 1964 and has been the embodiment of the Palestinian national movement. It is an umbrella organization comprised of numerous organizations of the resistance movement, political parties, popular organizations, and independent personalities and figures from all sectors of Palestinian life. The Arab Summit in 1974 recognized the PLO as the “sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people”. Since then the PLO has represented Palestine at the United Nations, the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and in many other fora.


Era: Sumud - Steadfastness (1948 onwards)

Further reading