Many times people ask “How can I help?” Obviously we need funding, and this is provided in the main, through donations and the sale of Palestinian artefacts such as embroidery and carved olive wood. A wide-ranging selection of these items, all from Palestine, are available for purchase from us. As are special limited edition Giclée prints of selected panels from the tapestry. You can even sponsor an individual panel for the tapestry.
Raising general awareness of the Project and giving out the word is helpful. This can be done by booking a PowerPoint talk and presentation, and, if you know of a place where exhibitions of art work are held we have a selection of images that are available for display.
We have recently set up a Subcommittee of Palestinian membership, for selection of images for stitch, see blog item 22 April 2017. Image suggestions, following the guidelines for image selection, can be sent to Selma Harb at [email protected]
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